How much kefir should I drink a day

It is assumed that kefir originated in the Caucasus: the locals discovered that by adding the fungus enzyme from koumiss to cow’s milk, a new drink was produced. The tribes that inhabited the Caucasus mountains at the time were engaged in horse breeding, and it is they who are still considered to be the discoverers of kefir today. In the nineteenth century the benefits of kefir became widely known – it became the talk of doctors and other specialists involved in private healthcare

What is the usefulness of kefir?

Kefir contains a huge number of vitamins and minerals. Among them are vitamins A, B, C, D, PP, potassium, calcium, copper and others. All of them have an extremely beneficial effect on the body. One of the main positive properties of kefir is rejuvenation. It normalizes the intestinal microflora, purifies the blood and stabilizes the acid balance in the body. In addition, it strengthens the immune system, which is especially necessary during the cold season.

Kefir can be drunk even by people with lactose intolerance, because due to the special properties of the drink it turns into lactic acid and can not cause allergic reactions in the body. Kefir with a low percentage of fat prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and reduces the level of bad cholesterol. The only disadvantage is that there are fewer vitamins and minerals in nonfat kefir. Of other useful properties we can note its beneficial effect on the nervous system. And the chromium in kefir will benefit those diagnosed with diabetes. In addition, it is useful to drink kefir, if you are prescribed a course of antibiotics. It also has a cleansing effect on the body, especially if you drink it before going to bed. It will also help you relax, relieve stress, and fall asleep faster.

What are the dangers of kefir?

Kefir is not recommended for those who have gastritis, ulcers or stomach infections. It is important to remember that you can store kefir in the refrigerator no more than three days – otherwise it kills beneficial bacteria, which can cause fermentation.

What happens if you drink kefir every day?

  • Your bones will become stronger. This reduces the risk of fractures, especially for the elderly, whose bones are quite weak. Therefore, it is important to provide the body with the right amount of calcium, which can be done just by kefir.
  • Your heart will work better. You will have lower blood pressure and risk of atherosclerosis. It is also good for preventing tachycardia.
  • Your blood sugar will come back to normal. Kefir will lower your glucose levels, which will be especially helpful for those who suffer from diabetes.
  • Digestion will be normalized. Kefir contains probiotics – useful substances that normalize intestinal microflora. It is also useful for those who are on a diet or watch their weight.
  • Cholesterol will be reduced. Probiotics will lower cholesterol levels in the blood and strengthen blood vessels, thanks to prolonged consumption of kefir.

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