Are onions a vegetable or fruit?

Are onions a vegetable or fruit? The onion is a vegetable familiar to all without exception. Its above-ground part looks like a lot of green fleshy arrow leaves, and the underground part is a large white or purple bulb. In this article we will talk about the benefits and features of onions.

The benefits of onions 

The benefits of onions for the body are enormous. It promotes the secretion of gastric juice and stimulates digestion. It contains few calories, which makes it a dietary product. Onions have powerful antiseptic properties. Therefore, for the prevention and treatment of colds – this is the most effective natural remedy. Great are the benefits of onions for the heart. He contains a lot of potassium, which he needs in the first place, and is good for purifying the blood.

In folk medicine, a lot is said about the benefits of onions for the liver and bile ducts. For their recovery, it is necessary to eat a small portion of fresh onions every day. For diabetes, onions in raw and boiled form are also indispensable. Fans of home cosmetology know that therapeutic masks based on onions are good for the hair in its pure form. They actively fight hair loss, make them thick, shiny and healthy.

Some experts assure that onions are useful for men, as they are a powerful aphrodisiac and improve the function of the sexual system. The contraindications of onions concern people with hyperacidity, inflammation of the mucous membranes and digestive organs. If consumed in excess, it can provoke blood pressure spikes and asthma attacks. But overall, the benefits and harms of onions do not withstand comparison. It is a true product of a healthy diet.   

No wonder onions are one of the most important vegetables in our diet. They are added to a wide variety of dishes, from salads and appetizers to soups and baked goods. So in cooking, onions are indispensable. If you don’t like the peculiar smell of onions, scald them with boiling water or blanch them for a few minutes before putting them in a salad.

Red, white and yellow types

There are red, white and yellow types of onions. Each species has its own gastronomic characteristic:

  • yellow onions can be spicy and sweet, tend to be rounder heads, and caramelize better;
  • white ones are very spicy and smell weaker than yellow ones;
  • red ones are sweeter and softer, this type of onion is more suitable for eating raw and is more effective at lowering cholesterol.

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