How to quit chocolate addiction

Not all scientists admit the existence of a real addiction to chocolate. There is an opinion that chocolate addiction is a habit that is difficult to cope with due to psychological reasons, but has no physiological reasons, as in the case of cigarette, alcohol or drug addiction. Chocoholism interferes with weight control and healthy eating habits, and in some cases leads to unpleasant health consequences. In any case, chocolate addiction is a problem for many people. How to quit chocolate addiction?

How to spot an addiction

Narcologists state that addiction results in an uncontrollable craving for something, which in the case of chocolate addiction is chocolate. One of the indicators of addiction: a person has a so-called conditioned reflex – the desire to eat chocolate appears at a certain time or under certain circumstances.

According to experts, a chocolate addict salivates at the sight of chocolate. In the absence of chocolate, anxiety and mood deteriorates, and only chocolate can change this state. For the addict, chocolate becomes the best way to lift the mood and an opportunity to pass the time of waiting.

How to fight chocolate addiction

An addicted person first needs to realize that they have this addiction, and then firmly decide to fight it. For starters, you need to make the decision to stop eating chocolate whenever a stressful situation arises. To do this, you simply need to remove unnecessary sweets from the fridge and not buy more than is necessary. You shouldn’t keep chocolate in plain sight – it’s better to hide it away. Home supply of chocolate is best replaced by healthy sweets: fruits, nuts, honey. And if you keep at home and chocolate, then only the bitter. It is also necessary to find alternative sources of energy – eat protein foods, cereals, fruits, nuts, low-fat crackers, increase water intake.

The chocolate itself should be perceived as a sweet, which should not be eaten constantly, but from time to time. It is recommended to switch to small portions, as well as to buy expensive and higher quality varieties. When eating chocolate, you should focus on enjoying it and try to stretch the pleasure. To satisfy hunger and eliminate stress, you can use aromatherapy. It is necessary to choose your favorite scents, among which may be the smell of chocolate.

You can also use this technique – after eating, brush your teeth, so that there is no desire to eat an extra piece of chocolate. Exotic cuisine – for example, Thai or African – will help you get rid of chocolate addiction. New flavors can help distract you from chocolate. Often a lot of chocolate is eaten out of boredom, so you need to think of something to do. Anything that brings positive emotions will do – drawing, crafts, singing, music, dancing, yoga, and sports.

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